

I am good at being on time and being at a place on schedule whether it be a lesson, an appointment or for a filming/shooting day.  An example of me doing this is/ would be in my previous years at college which was mostly at 85 percent or higher attendance and never really being late unless of an unexpected traffic incident. Although I could further improve this by being a little earlier in case of an unexpected time shift for a filming day just in case.



I’ve worked in teams before to make small projects and such which has gone well. an example of this would be on horrorfest I worked in a group of four including myself to create a short horror film which won the award for best horrorfest short film.I do however feel that I could contribute a little more.


Creativity and ideas

I am creative and given time can come up with some really creative and good ideas. An example of me doing this would be

Although however, I could improve upon this by coming up with ideas on the spot, as well as coming up with a bigger rarity of shot sizes, angles and compositions. as well as by using a more vast kit of equipment instead of using only one lens for example, or only one type of shot.

Documentation – pre-production documents

I’ve created a lot of preproduction documents before and done it effectively. some examples of me doing this is

Although I could improve it by going more into depth on the particular issues for example in a health and safety form.


I have gotten better at communicating and communicate well with others. Although however, I do need to work on presenting my ideas to a group as in a presentational way more effectively and clearly.



Technical ability

I am reasonably good at setting cameras, tripods and audio equipment reasonably fast as well as 3-point lighting. Although I do need to hone in on technical abilities to get them to a professional level. As well as improving more upon my cinematography skills.



I am reliable and throughout the last year mostly was able to help others and be therefore them as a camera operator or audio recorder. Although I could improve by prioritizing some people over others for example if I help someone repeatedly and they don’t really film much or turn up on time them self’s I will then move to helping someone else.


Evaluation Sheffield Promo

I was asked produce an evaluative document considering your contribution to each of these productions and how your understanding of processes has improved against your skills audit in task one. For the Sheffield promo project, which’s purpose was to make people want to come to Sheffield. I was asked to produce a 1-and-a-half-minute promotional video on why someone should come to Sheffield because of the sports.

To start off this evaluation of my Sheffield sports promotional Video I will start with criticising the fact that the video is over the 1 minute and 30 seconds which were asked of by the producer. The video is 1 minute and 42 seconds which is 12 seconds over the originally asked time for the video. Although it is over the allotted time, however, I think that it does serve its purpose to intrigue, inform and attract the audience’s attention as there are quite a few good shots. The good shots are well composed following the rule of thirds as well as being symmetrical which catches the audiences eye.

Although it does technically serve its purpose is not 100 percent happy with how it turned out as to me it doesn’t feel completely professional. I feel that it could still have been improved by getting a further range of well-composed shots as well as more varied sports there as to appeal to a vaster audience. Which would be important because it would have helped to fully serve its purpose to make people want to come to Sheffield.

In this video, the editing is sufficient as it is mainly well paced going from slow cuts building up to faster and then slowing down a little at the end as to finish off the video for the audience. it is also effective at setting a pace for the audience using a rhythmic editing with further use of the soundtrack. throughout the video, most of the clips are either cut in the slower pacing section the same length clip cuts a few seconds each and then when the pacing gets faster the cuts of the clips are mostly the same. Although there are a few clips that are different which may put off the audience and make them feel unnecessarily disoriented bringing them out of the video and taking their attention away from it. this is, therefore, distracting the audience from the who purpose of the video to make people want to come to Sheffield. as well as this even though quite a few of the clips are mostly cut to the beat of the soundtrack at points some of the clips are cut off beat which again further takes away the audience’s attention by disorienting them.

The soundtrack used is effective and interesting to the audience and effective in the video. it is suitable to the Sheffield sports video and mostly goes with the editing. therefore serves the purpose of the video to intrigue the audience. another reason for its effectiveness is that even though I had to cut up the soundtrack in a way it worked as when the video starts to change to a different section of sports so does the music and it is a noticeable change. Although next time I work with the music department I need to make sure that they clearly understand how long I want the music track to be so I don’t have to cut it up which made me have to have a video longer in duration than specified.

To conclude, I think that the Sheffield sports video does mostly serve its purpose to make an audience want to come to Sheffield. However, it does not do it fully or completely professionally. I’m not completely happy with it and next time I do a promotional video like this I need to make every shot well compositional and interesting as well as making sure that every shot is to beat to the music or rhythmically edited for example 5 seconds 5 seconds and so on so that it is continuous and ordered not just mostly complete but with editing mistakes. To finalise this conclusion throughout the production of the Sheffield sports video I have improved upon my understanding of the skills needed in a projection such as this as well as skills of which I can and need to use in other media productions.

Peer assessment       

Peer assessment

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