Creative application of vision equipment (framing/composition)

As shown below I have experimented with different shots applying compositional guides which I did to experiment with the different types of compositional sizes and angels while applying compositional guides.

Rule of Thirds – Golden Rule –  Symmetry

These shots are mostly accurately framed although some would have been more effective had they been differently angled framed slightly. By applying these compositional guides it had a positive effect on the shots they were used in because by applying these guides it makes them more appealing and interesting to the audience. An example of this is below. Most of the shots filmed at the alight although they could have been more appropriately framed and due to the time restraint were not as accurately frames as the could be.

I think this shot was appropriate because it is almost on its own third of the rule of thirds. I did this because I wanted to create an atmosphere of nothingness and being alone because that’s how their relationship has become they are no longer as close as they were when it began. Another reason why I think it still works is that it is symmetrical in both the sitting and standing positions. However, even though I think it’s appropriate it isn’t fully correct composition wise.

In the following shot, I created a composition in the mirror as well as the subject that I did not intend as I was just trying to keep the subject composed well and created an eye-line across the subject to the mirror. this shot is well composed as it has the actor one almost just one vertical third each. The impact of this composition is that not only does it draw the attention of the audience but it also adds creativity to it because it mirrors that there are two sides to the character the somewhat normal and innocent one and the later on the killer.

Throughout the corridor shot, I kept up the composition although in different ways. it starts with them both on the left two vertical thirds and finishes with him on one third to the right. This not only shows the progression of movement from left to right but also is hinting that when the male actor is on the left on the right is a dark room, the shot contrasts with symmetry. This suggests that he is dangerous which adds to the shot as, well suggesting that as he is on one third almost and there are two thirds to go on the right there is going to be a lot more that happens which suggests that he may go even further than just fighting with her to the viewers. This, therefore, builds suspense.

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