

I am good at being on time and being at a place on schedule whether it be a lesson, an appointment or for a filming/shooting day.  An example of me doing this is/ would be in my previous years at college which was mostly at 85 percent or higher attendance and never really being late unless of an unexpected traffic incident. Although I could further improve this by being a little earlier in case of an unexpected time shift for a filming day just in case.



I’ve worked in teams before to make small projects and such which has gone well. an example of this would be on horrorfest I worked in a group of four including myself to create a short horror film which won the award for best horrorfest short film.I do however feel that I could contribute a little more.


Creativity and ideas

I am creative and given time can come up with some really creative and good ideas. An example of me doing this would be

Although however, I could improve upon this by coming up with ideas on the spot, as well as coming up with a bigger rarity of shot sizes, angles and compositions. as well as by using a more vast kit of equipment instead of using only one lens for example, or only one type of shot.

Documentation – pre-production documents

I’ve created a lot of preproduction documents before and done it effectively. some examples of me doing this is

Although I could improve it by going more into depth on the particular issues for example in a health and safety form.


I have gotten better at communicating and communicate well with others. Although however, I do need to work on presenting my ideas to a group as in a presentational way more effectively and clearly.



Technical ability

I am reasonably good at setting cameras, tripods and audio equipment reasonably fast as well as 3-point lighting. Although I do need to hone in on technical abilities to get them to a professional level. As well as improving more upon my cinematography skills.



I am reliable and throughout the last year mostly was able to help others and be therefore them as a camera operator or audio recorder. Although I could improve by prioritizing some people over others for example if I help someone repeatedly and they don’t really film much or turn up on time them self’s I will then move to helping someone else.


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