24/10/2017 – Lees Lesson

What skills?

I have improved upon my Creativity and ideas during this lesson. I have done this by

An example of this is

Although as shown below it took me a while to get the feel of the narrative which is something I need to improve upon further. although I did improve upon this further as shown below progressively after getting feedback. in the future, I plan to improve upon this further by practising narrative editing.

Ice Sheffield Filming – 16/10/17

What skills?

I have improved upon my Timekeeping during this shooting day. an example of this is

I have improved upon my Teamwork do I work better alone or in a team.
Creativity and ideas
Documentation – pre-production documents
Technical ability

ideas contribution, talk about the shots you did

technical what went right, what went wrong.

Today I worked on my portion of the Sheffield video promo project sports with my partner. During this day I used both the 75-300m and 50mm lens on a 60d DSLR to film at Ice Sheffield. During filming at Ice Sheffield, almost everything went to plan and went well we filmed all of the shots planned and other ones which were thought up whilst at Ice Sheffield.

Although however

health and safety


Client – 26/09/2017

What skills?

I have improved upon my Teamwork as
I have improved upon my Communication as
I have improved upon my Technical ability as

Client – Music Licensing company/website

The purpose of the final product of this day was to film footage of one of their employees describing/advertising their product/ websites uses for users and why aspiring music makers should use them.

My role – Studio editor

During this lesson, my role was being the editor in the studio control room. in this role, my job was to switch between cameras, check the settings of the cameras via the camera control unit and to watch the audio level.

Video Camera Settings

Mark’s lesson – Video camera settings


Both gain and ISO essentially have the same function. Depending on the current location, light and other settings it is usually best to decide which one to use although it is best to use one rather than two depending on the location.

Focus circles amount of light been allowed into the camera _ F-stop

ISO (International Standards Organization)

The lower the number, the more light you need to achieve a good exposure. Also the lower the number, the less “grain” or “noise” the image or scene will have.

2 SD slots – The camera has two sd card slots it goes off A first and then when it becomes full moves to B Sd card. The benefit of this is the fact that more footage can be recorded and thus the memory is doubled.

2 audio recorders – The camera using contains two built-in recorders. Although this can be useful it shouldn’t really be used unless absolutely necessary because it doesn’t just record in one direction it also records everything around recording the ambience. This would be distracting to the audience although however is good for purely recording just the ambience.

One directional – Records only straight ahead – in front of the camera.

Unidirectional – The other records everything in front of it in an oval-like shape.

White Balance – temperature – kelvin

Light Spectrum


My footage – what I recorded, what I need to work on/ improve my skills on

What skills?
Creativity and ideas
Technical ability

During filming around and outside college with the video camera. my partner and I experimented with shots trying to implement what was taught in class about white balance, gain, iso and other camera settings. as well as getting used to the camera and its settings. During the filming, I experimented with both the manual and automatic functions which went reasonably well although however, I need more practice in general with the video camera as it was quite unformailiare to me.

Exposure effects – 2/10/2017

What skills?

Creativity and ideas
Technical ability

During this lesson, I experimented filming at different Iso levels, shutter speeds and aperture – f-stop.

Hillsborough college with ISO 100 and 6400

MCU of someone outside f/1.8 and f/11.

Panning shot

one at 1/150

one at 1/30

one at 1/300

During this lesson I also

A still of someone throwing pens in the air frozen motion


During this lesson I also

reflective light




neutralising white black

During this lesson I also

Light Painting – A still of exposure less than 1 second




Sheffield promo project planning

Interviews – 25/09/2017


What skills?
Creativity and ideas
Documentation – pre-production documents
Technical ability


During this lesson, I went out and filmed in the studio doing several different crew roles. of which was the following camera operator, director-producer / director of photography, logger and audio recorder.

clapperboard – syncing – logging

Post-production – Final Cut Pro X

audio syncing final cut pro

Compositional shots – 18/09/2017

Lee’s lesson – Compositional shots

Rule of thirds

The rule of thirds is applied by aligning the subject of interest with the guidelines and at their intersection point. This is important and if miss used can draw the attention of the audience to either the wrong object or person or to no objects at all just something in important.

Horizon line

The rule of thirds can also be used by using the horizon lines it flows from section to section. talk about one third and the other two thirds.


Symmetry and Balance

Symmetry is important because humans are hardwired to love symmetry and as a design technique it can be used as kind of a shortcut to creating impactful imagery. Two things that a symmetrical shot needs to be effective is “a strong composition and an eye-catching point of interest” – Wes Anderson


Foregrounding is important because it makes something an object or person stand out from its surroundings and is a powerful technique used to inject contrast into an image by either photographers or videographers.


My footage

During filming at the Hillsborough part, I experimented with the above techniques taught/discussed in class. Throughout this process, I experimented using the rule of thirds and the horizon line. This went well although I do still need more practice. as one of the shots where the ducks as in the lake because of a few ducks not being above the horizon line, it made the shot a little confusing and there was no main focus. Therefore it should have been a shot where all of the ducks were above the horizon line. I also could improve by experimenting a little more with symmetry.

Foreground and Horizon line ducks.png

During the editing process using final cut pro x which was mainly my first attempt, I had mainly only used I movie software on iMacs previously. I learnt some shortcuts and other things about final cut pro that I didn’t know such as the way in which final cut pro takes videos off of the sd card and orders them for you. though out the editing process I used some quick shortcuts to slice clips and then import them into the timeline quickly and effectively. Although I did have a little accidental overlap at the bigging adding in a jump cut of a really fast clip which was done accidentally. However, with more practise and time with within Final cut pro, I will become more proficient and won’t make such mistakes again.

What skills?

Creativity and ideas
Technical ability


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