Research Proposal

This research proposal will be addressing the critical issue of media violence, the effect it has on (some) individuals and the cultural issue of it being readily available to the mass consumption of media. As well as the issue of the over-publication of media violence being identified as the problem.

The potential solution is often seen to be to restrict access to violent content, but a better solution might be to understand underlying mental conditions that make (certain) people susceptible to reacting to violent content extremely. Cases in which individuals have acted out to the extremes of killing such as (The matrix films, Dexter, American Horror Story, American Psycho, etc.)

From an evolutionary perspective, people are more likely to pay attention to emotionally charged information to avoid threats to survival, which may help explain why many are drawn toward violent content. One psychological model proposes that frequent exposure to violent media helps establish aggressive “behaviour scripts” and more positive attitudes toward aggression. Glassman. S PsyD. (2018)

From a study with a diverse group of subjects into links between media violence and aggressive behaviour, the researchers identified four key findings from the study:

  • Violent media use was positively and significantly related to aggressive behaviour in all countries.
  • Exposure was related to heightened aggressive thinking and empathy.
  • Media violence remained significant even after controlling other risk factors.
  • The effect of media violence was larger than all other risk factors, except peer delinquency. Douglas Gentile – Science Daily. (2017).

Columbia scientists show that a brain network responsible for suppressing behaviours such as inappropriate or unwarranted aggression (including the right lateral orbitofrontal cortex and the amygdala) became less active after subjects watched short clips depicting acts of violence. These changes can render people less able to control their own aggressive behaviour. – Columbia Medical Centre(2007). Science Daily. (2007).

In virtually every aspect of today’s entertainment world (TV, movies, video games, music) violence is ubiquitous and often glorified.

A study by the Indiana University School of Medicine examined young men and violent media exposure. There were visible alterations in MRI brain scans in the prefrontal cortex the ‘thinking part’ of the brain which deals with concentration, decision making, self-control and inhibition while the amygdala is part of the limbic system, the so-called ‘emotion centre’ that serves many emotion functions, but can be a trigger for depression, anger, aggression and impulsive behaviour. Archer M.D, D. (2019). “Of course, just because the brain has changed does not prove causality. If it were all bad, we would be dealing with millions of aggressive, violent young killers, and that’s simply not the case.” Archer M.D, D. (2019). “But the findings are intriguing and beg the question: Does an activation of the limbic system and an inhibition of the prefrontal cortex predispose to violent behaviour? This is a relatively easy proposition to test and I suspect we will see more studies soon”. Archer M.D, D. (2019). As archer suggests there will be more studies into the effects and influence of media violence, however

Creative Response

To address the issue in the form of a creative artefact my first idea was a live-action short drama/thriller cautionary tale about a character with pre-existing conditions and an obsessive-compulsive interest in violence, which adds up, eventually leading to the character killing his roommate. I decided to discard this idea and go with another one because the first idea would be showing that certain individuals (males) are susceptible to media violence to the extreme that they will act out to an extreme level. However this would be going with the idea that media violence causes violence and would be just like the publication of media violence being the problem that this creative artefact should be going against, so I went with my other idea.

Indoctrination a 5-7 minute short drama, following a male character with mental conditions such as intermittent explosive disorder, an antisocial personality disorder and alienation through his life as he becomes exposed to media violence, displays desensitisation and side effect eventually becoming obsessed/aroused by watching graphic deprecations of violence. By going with this idea it will challenge the audience perception of the factors which lead to incidents in which films have caused violence such as “Matrix Films”.

There are various cases in which media violence has been linked to extreme acts of violence, however out of the media forms, films, tv, video games the highest amount of pieces to have influenced individuals and lead to extreme acts of violence in films. For this piece I will be going with a fiction drama short film rather than a documentary because I feel that it will be more effective to evoke, feeling and thought in the audience through the use of fiction in which the audience will feel what the character feels, see what they see etc. This should have a more profound effect on the audience rather than them seeing a documentary and being informed on cases in which media violence has lead to acts of violence and the pre-existing conditions with it. By going with fiction rather than a documentary it may be a risk, however, much like media violence, shocking and interesting imagery, is more likely to evoke feelings in an audience making them rememberer the experience more so than in a documentary.

I had various divergent ideas for the name of the fictional piece, however after looking into various other ideas, for names such as (Reaction, obscure, viewpoint, hidden, the edge, excessive, unperceived), however I converged those ideas and went with the name Indoctrination because it best explains the cultural issue of individuals being indoctrinated to like violence, and to watch it to a much more graphic way, I also went with the name indoctrination because it suggests that its not so much the fault of the person being affected by the media violence its more the fault of culture.

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  • Finding from research into risk factors for aggression traits there were 6 main factors, “The findings strongly suggest that media violence is similar to other known risk factors for aggression” – Douglas Gentile – Science Daily. (2017).



He will be a male as according to the graph above, be affected by media violence this would suggest that the probability an individual’s with (certain) pre-existing conditions would act out violently perhaps to an extreme level, however,

Context and Audience(What is the context of it, where is it going to go and who is going to watch it, why, why will it belong there?):

I plan on indoctrination going into film festivals such as (Aesthetica, Spirit of independenceSheffield Short film Festival, Sheffield International Film Festival, High Peak Independent Film Festival ) because it will challenge the audience’s perception of media violence, however more specifically I plan on the drama going into mental health film festivals, on in particular is the Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival foundationwhich is one of the world’s largest social justice festivals with annual attendances of over 25,000 at more than 300 events stages throughout Scotland, including film, performing arts, literature, music and visual arts, the festival aims to support the arts and to challenge preconceived ideas about mental health. Now in its 14th year, the festival showcases its official selections and award winners to diverse audiences, and calls on all filmmakers, established or aspiring, to submit films addressing mental health in various ways. A few other mental health film festivals that could be useful in focusing the target audience on the mental health aspects, as well as film, are: Unbroken and youth mental health create.

What age and why?

The target audience for indoctrination will be aimed at 15-17 aged (male) due to the factor of that being a factor in a lot of the cases of films being linked to media violence and up, as a rating due to suggestions of and shown violence. The audience will be people with an interest in the arts and have an opinion of the causes and effects of media violence. The audience will also have an interest in mental health, the audience may know someone with mental issues, have some themselves or be in the mental health industry. Due to the target audience has an interest in mental health, the range of influence should have the effect of bringing a light on media violence issues as well as presenting an alternative solution to media violence being more so about paying more attention and assistance to individuals with certain mental conditions, rather than trying to restrict media violence.

However due to the fact that the age ranges that go to film festival been various it is likely that the age range 15-17 will watch indoctrination, however, a larger audience age range will also see it making its effect and influence able to go beyond the preferred target audience age range.

As individuals with an interest in the films and the arts, they will have different opinions on media violence, the focus of the indoctrination is to present a perspective of media violence in which there is an effect but it doesn’t lead to killing, although depending on the way in which the piece is read an oppositional reading of this short film could be that this person may eventually escalate to more extreme acts of violence.

Aims and Objectives

  • Get actors for the piece.
  • Get a location for the filming.
  • If you need the studio, you will need to solve, when you’ll need it and what for it. As well as making sure the actors can make the dates and times.
  • Do a schedule.

In a study with pre-selected participants based on trait aggression, the study revealed baseline differences found specifically in individuals with associated disorders, such as antisocial personality disorder(a long-term pattern of disregard for, or violation of, the rights of others. A low moral sense or conscience is often apparent) and intermittent explosive disorder(sudden episodes of unwarranted anger The disorder is typified by hostility, impulsivity, and recurrent aggressive outbursts), as it has straightforward face validity. In addition to elevated trait aggression(the predisposition to hold hostile, cognitions, express anger, and engage in physical and verbal aggression), as well as alienation(being different from everyone else, separated from society) and stress reaction and demonstrated poor inhibitory control as measured by ANT conflict, which is part of externalising behaviours in adults. Studies show that inhibitory control plays an important role in violent media effects and aggression. (Klein, A. N, Wang, J. G, Preston-Campbell, N. R, Moeller, J. S, Parvaz, A. M, Zhu. W, Jayne, C. M, Wong. C, Tomasi. D, Goldstien, Z. R, Fowler, S. J, Volkow, D. N ) (2014) From this study it is clear that are specific factors as to the likelihood of a normal individual without pre-consisting conditions acting out violently after watching acts of physical violence is significantly less, in comparison to a subject with said specific traits in individuals. This again taps into the limited effects theory, which argues that the influence from a “Mass media message” on individuals is limited or even trivial, which supports this theory of there needing to be a set of ideals, circumstances such as these traits in order to influence an individual to act out violently.

For this fictional piece, I have decided to only go with showing some of the mental conditions that are linked to causing aggression after being linked to watching violence because that way I can ensure these conditions are shown in the piece and paid attention to rather than going with all of them and it seems like this person who has been affected by media violence might be more at fault for his actions rather so than it just been the fault of media violence which exacerbated his mental conditions.

Draft Ideas and Developmental:


As for the camera techniques in which to be used for indoctrination, I plan on using a mix of some quadrant framing to suggest that the character is alone, alienated from society and antisocial whilst at the same time junta positioning to close-ups and filled frames to create a visual tension and a claustrophobic feeling to make the audience feel how uncomfortable he character is. As to movement, I plan on using a lot of movement at the beginning and near to the end going with stiller shots as it relieved that this individual is aroused by media violence and affected by it but he is also out and about and is a well-adjusted person in society. I plan on using a mix of different lenses to create a distorted feeling. I also plan on using different lenses to further show the characters feelings and conditions in the top right pic of a crowd, I plan on using a similar depth of field with a slower shutter to make the crowd seem apart from the character furthering the characters feelings of alienation.


For the lighting, I plan on going with various themes as shown above from low key, in a dark room to, well lit outside to show that the character is alone and being affected by a dark force(graphic violence), whilst at the same time he is a normal person going about his day and could be mistaken for being seemingly normal to the outside world. I plan on potential using a silhouetting effect of the character which could suggest that has hidden thoughts and urges that would be missed and not seen by others.


For the scenes in which the character will be exposed to media violence, and become affected by it, I plan on going with the same sort of look as shown in the left image above, by changing clothing, hair and lighting I will evoke thought/ a passage of time showing the character become effected by watching violence. In the pic on the right, I plan on the character being dressed in black and other dull colours which could suggest mystery and a potential suspiciousness, although once it is revealed this person is normal and in-fact has just been delivering leaflets from the duffle bag he carries with him. It could be determined that he is in fact just a normal individual.

Examples of media pieces

The clip above has inspired me to use claustrophobic, framing by filling the frame, I plan on using this type of framing to create a visual tension in indoctrination, a feeling of being trapped, uncomfortable which will suit the feeling the character will begin to feel as he becomes exposed to and affected by media violence.

The trailer above which depicts a girl who is abused and then ending up being inspired by a western to kill the person hurting her. – This piece has the feelings evoked in which indoctrination needs to evoke. This piece has visual tension, a building interest. I plan on indoctrination having a similar theme/mood because this will evoke shock and emotions in the audience making them more likely to remember the piece and think about the mental conditions which exacerbate the effect to violence after the fact.

From this media piece, the techniques(Juxta-position, moving shots, close-ups) used to evoke feelings of PTSD will be a useful factor in shocking and making the audience feel what my character will be feeling in indoctrination, this will further the likely hood of it having an effect on the audience. After looking at the divergent pieces above I converged a mood/theme from the pieces above which has helped me to further visualise how indoctrination will express the side effects of watching violence.

Indoctrination will explore some of the processes/side effects involved in watching violence. It will be based on the evidence that suggests that watching violent media takes a toll on us physically and emotionally. Seeing violent scenes on television can trigger a kind of mental ‘camera flash’ in which high levels of arousal join the release of hormones associated with storing memories. The more intense the negative feelings stirred by violent media, the more vivid and available those memories will be. Not only will we remember the details more easily, but we may think about what we saw more often and even struggle to turn away from it. Glassman. S PsyD. (2018)


  • Insomnia, Headaches, Heart Disease, Immune Disease


  • Depression, Anxiety, Traumatic Stress, Anti-Social Personality

Nature. (2019)

1) The priming process, through which spreading activation in the brain’s neural network, excites other brain nodes such as cognition, emotion or behaviour. This priming makes linked behaviours more likely, which means media violence primes aggressive concepts, which make aggression is more likely. L.Rowell Huesmann (2007).

2) The arousal processes – through which media violence arouses the observer, aggressive behaviour may also become more likely in the short run for two possible reasons – excitation transfer and general arousal. L.Rowell Huesmann (2007).

3) The immediate mimicking of specific behaviours can be viewed as a special case of a more general long-term process of observational learning. The neurological process through which this happens is not completely understood, but it seems likely that “mirror neurons,” which fire when with behaviour is observed or when the same behaviour is acted out, play an important role. L. Rowell Huesmann (2007).

Long term content effects, on the other hand, seem to be due to 1) longer-lasting observational learning of cognitions and behaviours (i.e., imitation of behaviours) which is a further development of this imitation behaviour with more substantial and longer-lasting effects. L.Rowell Huesmann (2007).

2) Activation and desensitisation of emotional processes. – Compassionate fatigue. Both of these long term processes tend not to occur independently of other learning processes. It is therefore plausible that these effects do not occur independently in most normal participants without other factors. L.Rowell Huesmann (2007).


17th February – Start pre-production and production documents.

24th February – Finished script and sent to actor, practise lighting with the actor as well as suggesting direction ahead of time.

2nd March – Finished relevant documentation and permission for filming. Such as hotlists, H&S, etc.

9th March –  Do some test shoot shoots outside with lighting. / Assist on another project.

16th March – Filming

23rd March – Start editing

30th March – Finish Visual Edit

6th April – Add in sound tracks/effects.

13th April – Show the piece to some peers in the target audience range to make sure it invokes thought and feeling, to get recommendations on parts the may not work.

20 April – Have project finished, and ready to be submitted to film festival as soon as they open.

This will mostly be effective in the development of indoctrination, however by only giving myself 1 week to film I may be restricting the possibility of reshooting, so I may restructure the schedule at a later point in order to add in a bit of room if some shots need reshooting.

Research Material/Reading List: (Bibliography)

(Klein, A. N, Wang, J. G, Preston-Campbell, N. R, Moeller, J. S, Parvaz, A. M, Zhu. W, Jayne, C. M, Wong. C, Tomasi. D, Goldstien, Z. R, Fowler, S. J, Volkow, D. N ) (2014) “Reactions to media violence: It’s in the brain of the beholder”. Retrieved from

L. Rowell Huesmann (2007). “The Impact of electronic media violence: scientific theory and research”. Retrieved from

Science Daily. (2017). Cross-Cultural-Study strengthens link between media violence, aggressive behaviour. Retrieved from:

Columbia Medical Centre(2007). Science Daily. (2007). “This is your brain on violent media”. Retrieved from:

Nature. (2019). “Exposure to violence affects the development of moral impressions and true behaviour in incarcerated males. Retrieved from:

Glassman. S PsyD. (2018). Is it time to look away? Health effects of watching violence in the media. Retrieved from:

(Klein, A. N, Wang, J. G, Preston-Campbell, N. R, Moeller, J. S, Parvaz, A. M, Zhu. W, Jayne, C. M, Wong. C, Tomasi. D, Goldstien, Z. R, Fowler, S. J, Volkow, D. N ) (2014) “Reactions to media violence: It’s in the brain of the beholder”. Retrieved from
Archer M.D, D. (2019). Violence, the Media and your brain. Retrieved from


Indoctrination – Presentation

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